[jdom-interest] validation problems using b9-rc1?

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Mon Apr 14 23:57:40 PDT 2003

Ben Rogers wrote:
> Now that I have switched to b9_rc1, i am getting these
> exceptions: (or "this" exception, depending on your
> point of view).  So the question is this: why do WSAD
> and b8 think that all of my xml/xsd files are fine,
> but b9 does not?
> org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 2 of
> document file:/D:/eclipse/workspace/Tool/src/Tool.xml:
> Element type "tool:TestRun" is not declared.

Your document is indeed invalid. The namespace declaration is missing.
You have to add the following declaration to the tool:TestRun element:

<tool:TestRun xmlns:tool="http://www.ibm.com" 
xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.ibm.com Tool.xsd ">


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