[jdom-interest] My remarks about JDOM B9

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Thu Apr 17 09:08:26 PDT 2003

phil at triloggroup.com wrote:
> => textBuffer is now private
> Well, we overriden flushCharacters() to, when needed, suppress all the empty (blanks) elements found in such a document:
>      <tag>
>        <tag2>mydata</tag2>
>      ...
> Because of that formating, there is some undesired text between <tag> & <tag2>, which is ignored by most of XML
> applications. I know that it is an old debate (I remember talks with Eliot and Denis), but we should keep a way to do
> that, if some people want to.

Would something like:
     private void flushCharacters() throws SAXException {
     protected void flushCharacters(String data) throws SAXException {
         if (data.length() == 0) {
             previousCDATA = inCDATA;
be OK?

> I also have a pb with createContentHandler() , which is also now private. As I'm using my own SaxHandler, this is
> weird..

createContentHandler is protected.


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