[jdom-interest] fetching elements text

Scott Purcell spurcell at vertisinc.com
Wed Apr 30 13:59:22 PDT 2003

 I have just created a JDOM object and it is in memory. I have the need to somehow pick out some data:

EG: lets say that the below document is in memory:(This is just  piece of the data.)
And I need to pull out the psd/height, psd/width? How could I do that using JDOM?

I used to use SAX, but want to use JDOM. How could I accomplish this?  Also, are there any great example sites that I can get more info from?

Thank you
Scott K Purcell

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <psd width="281" height="281" copyright="" colorSpace="RGB">
      <GIFFormat rolloverMasterPalette="false" autoReduce="false" interlaced="false" transparency="false" reductionAlgorithm="selective" webShiftPercent="0" ditherPercent="100" ditherAlgorithm="diffusion" noMatteColor="false" matteColor="#FFFFFF" lossy="0" numColors="256" />
      <setVariable data="data" trait="textcontent" category="" docRef="id('26')" varName="defaultTextVariable" />
    <layer name="Percentage" type="text" top="99" left="190" right="243" bottom="148">
        <flow adobe-fractional-widths="false">
<p adobe-every-line-composer="false" adobe-burasagari="false" adobe-hanging-
more ........

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