[jdom-interest] Modifying the Tag Content

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Tue Aug 19 08:03:08 PDT 2003

sundardba at vsnl.net wrote:
> 	I have problem in XML. I have the XML content like this. 
> 	<abstract>	
> 	<P>The XML 1.0 specification specifically reserves the colon character<P>
> 	 for use with XML Namespaces. 
> 	<P>No other use is compliant with XML 1.0. Therefore JDOM <P>
> 	</abstract>
> 	I just want ot add <P> tag  like this 
> 	<P> for use with XML Namespaces</P>
> Is it possible to do this. This may appear in any number of places.

With JDOM beta9, using XPath to select the elements to modify, you could try 
something like :

Filter filter = new ContentFilter(ContentFilter.TEXT | ContentFilter.ELEMENT);
XPath xp = XPath.newInstance("//P/..[text()!='']");
for (Iterator i=xp.selectNodes(doc).iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
    Element e = (Element)(i.next());
    List l = e.getContent(filter);
    for (int j=0, max=l.size(); j<max; j++)
       Object child = l.get(j);
       if (child instanceof Text)
          String text = ((Text)child).getText();
          String content = text.trim();
          if (content.length() != 0)
             Element p = new Element("P");

             int pos = text.indexOf(content);
             l.set(j, new Text(text.substring(pos + content.length())));
             l.add(j, p);
             l.add(j, new Text(text.substring(0, pos)));

It will produce the following document :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <P>The XML 1.0 specification specifically reserves the colon character</P>
     <P>for use with XML Namespaces.</P>
    <P>No other use is compliant with XML 1.0. Therefore JDOM </P>


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