[jdom-interest] Namespace issues, et al.

bob mcwhirter bob at werken.com
Sun Feb 23 17:43:35 PST 2003

> Ok, I misunderstood you guys. I thought you were saying that I had to 
> change all that
> to <jbase:request jbase:session=""/>. The point I was trying to make is 
> that it is perfectly valid
> (though my personal Schema says not to allow it) for <jbase:request 
> yourname:session=""/>. What I was
> trying to say about the spec was that <request session=""/> puts 'session' 
> into the namespace of the 'request'
> element (as opposed to the 'yourname' namespace above), thus not needing to 
> explicitely put jbase:session...

No no no.  That's still a false statement.  The 'session' attribute
is -NOT- in the namespace of the <request> element, but it is in the
locality of it.

> As far as your question, you can read it, but not create or validate it.
> If you try to create that document, you get one of two scenarios...
> 1) every element says xmlns="http://www.temporal-wave.com/spec" (thus, lots 
> of overhead over the network)

The outputter/serializer should remove gratuituous ns-decls.  But even it
doesn't, it's still producing valid/well-formed XML.

> 2) the top element says that, the next one says xmlns="", and then 
> everything inside that doesn't show xmlns at all.

Though, are your inner elements in the empty namespace?  Or did you
create them in your namespace?

> Thus, my original request to quit adding xmlns="", as that disables the 
> current namespace and sets it to null. Thus,
> every items inside that is invalid.

I have a sneaking suspicioun that JDOM is doing exactly the correct thing.

> On the validation side... if I try to validate it as done on the JDOM FAQ 
> (or on the various suggestions from the list),
> I get a ClassCastException in Xerces. If I use Xerces directly, it 
> correctly validates.  Read a few emails ago, there was
> a link to the bug report I submitted to Apache....

JAXP and Xerces have lots of class-cast exceptions.  Blame sun.


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