[jdom-interest] org.jdom.contrib.schema update

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Fri Jun 27 06:31:00 PDT 2003

Attached is a patch to fix Javadoc and typos in comment in Schema.java 
(Schema.diff) and a patch for the jdom-contrib build.xml not to compile the 
org.jdom.contrib.schema package if the JARV JARs are not present in the classpath.


                 (o o)
Laurent Bihanic                | Tel: +33 (0)1 (direct)
AtosOrigin Systems Integration |      +33 (0)1
e-Business / SC                | Fax: +33 (0)1
Les Miroirs - Bat. C           |
18, avenue d'Alsace            |
F-92926 La Defense Cedex       | E-mail: laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com

"Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question and the answer
  is no."

The opinions expressed are entirely my own and may not necessarily be
those of my employer.  Also, I am not now nor have I ever been a
lawyer.  My opinions are provided as-is with absolutely no warrantee of
merchantability or fitness for any particular use.  Besides, you can't
prove I typed this.  No body saw me type this.  Who says I typed this?

-------------- next part --------------
Index: Schema.java
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jdom-contrib/src/java/org/jdom/contrib/schema/Schema.java,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -r1.1 Schema.java
<  *
<  * To validate a document against a W3C XML Schema definition:
>  * <p>
>  * To validate a document against a W3C XML Schema definition:</p>
<    import org.jdom.contrib.schema.Schema;
<    String uri = &lt;The URL of the schema document&gt;;
<    Document doc = &lt;a JDOM document&gt;;
<    Schema schema = Schema.parse(uri, Schema.W3C_XML_SCHEMA);
<    List errors = schema.validate(doc);
<    if (errors != null) {
<      // Validation errors
<      for (Iterator i=errors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
<        ValidationError e = (ValidationError)(i.next());
<        System.out.println(e);
<      }
<    }
<    // Else: No error, document is valid.
<  </pre>
>  * import org.jdom.contrib.schema.Schema;
>  *
>  *    String uri = &lt;The URL of the schema document&gt;;
>  *    Document doc = &lt;a JDOM document&gt;;
>  *
>  *    Schema schema = Schema.parse(uri, Schema.W3C_XML_SCHEMA);
>  *    List errors = schema.validate(doc);
>  *    if (errors != null) {
>  *      // Validation errors
>  *      for (Iterator i=errors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
>  *        ValidationError e = (ValidationError)(i.next());
>  *        System.out.println(e);
>  *      }
>  *    }
>  *    // Else: No error, document is valid.
>  * </pre>
>  * <p>
<  * (calling validate(Element) on another Schema) but not for attributes.
>  * (calling validate(Element) on another Schema) but not for attributes.</p>
<         catch (SAXException e) { /* Fatal validation error encounted. */
>         catch (SAXException e) { /* Fatal validation error encountered. */
<         catch (SAXException e) { /* Fatal validation error encounted. */
>         catch (SAXException e) { /* Fatal validation error encountered. */
-------------- next part --------------
Index: build.xml
RCS file: /home/cvspublic/jdom-contrib/build.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -r1.20 build.xml
<     <property name="isorelax.jar" value="${lib.dir}/isorelax.jar"/>
>     <property name="iso-relax-api.jar"  value="${lib.dir}/isorelax.jar"/>
<       <pathelement location="${isorelax.jar}"/>
>       <pathelement location="${iso-relax-api.jar}"/>
>     <!-- Compile the schema package only if the JARV classes are found -->
>     <available property="jarv.present"
>                classname="org.iso_relax.verifier.Verifier"
>                classpathref="compile.class.path" />
>       <exclude name="**/schema/*.java" unless="jarv.present" />

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