[jdom-interest] SaxBuilder error: root element missing

Bill Woodward wpwood at saifa.net
Wed Oct 8 06:44:56 PDT 2003

Emmanuel Gilmont said:
> //- this doesn't work
> SaxBuilder sb = new SaxBuilder();
> Document doc = sb.build(getClass().getResource("/ressources/tpc.xml"));

Are you sure that the URL you are getting is good?  For what it's worth ,
the code I use to get a URL to an XML file in a jar is and build a JDOM
tree with it is:

URL schemaUrl =
Reader schemaReader = new InputStreamReader(schemaUrl.openStream());

- Bill

     /   Bill Woodward (wpwood at saifa.net)   \
     \        http://www.saifa.net          /

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