[jdom-interest] Bug Fix Request for XMLOutput

Eric Gravel Eric.Gravel at intervalintl.com
Tue Sep 9 15:28:48 PDT 2003

The problem I have encountered with XMLOutput can be worked around.  I simply find that 
it defeats the purpose of one of the class' method... unless I misunderstood the purpose
of the setNewlines(boolean) method.

My understanding of the method is that no carriage return would be outputted when writing
JDOM elements including xml prologue and doctype.  Unfortunately, these 2 items always
had a new line printed after them. The solution that I found to work around this issue was 
to set the newline character to be an empty string using XMLOutput.setLineSeparator("");

Looking at the XMLOutput.java file, I personally think that the code for output(Document doc, Writer out)
or actually anywhere that uses   "out.write(currentFormat.lineSeparator);" should be changed
to read  "newline(out);".  Reason being that newline() checks to see if the currentFormat class
newlines field is set to true in order to output the lineSeperator field value of the currentFormat class.
This way, I could tell XMLOutput to setNewline(false) and no new line would be used to output
the document.

Eric A. Gravel
IT - Internet Development
Java Programmer/Analyst
305-666-1861 Ext.7315
Direct: 305-925-7315
Eric.Gravel at IntervalIntl.com

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