[jdom-interest] setProperty in SAXBuilder to validate

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Thu Apr 8 04:55:52 PDT 2004

xu003 wrote:
> I've been struglled with this for 6 hours now. 
> Hope someone can help me with it.

Why not using JAXP 1.2 schema validation properties :

     /** JAXP 1.2 schema language property id. */
     private static final String SCHEMA_LANGUAGE_PROPERTY_ID =

     /** JAXP 1.2 schema location property id. */
     private static final String SCHEMA_LOCATION_PROPERTY_ID =

     /** W3C XML Schema language URI. */
     private static final String W3C_XML_SCHEMA_URI =


         SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(true);
         builder.setProperty(SCHEMA_LANGUAGE_PROPERTY_ID, W3C_XML_SCHEMA_URI);
         builder.setProperty(SCHEMA_LOCATION_PROPERTY_ID, new String[] { 
"file:///C:/ims.xsd" });

         org.jdom.Document doc = builder.build(new File("C:/testing.xml"));


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