[jdom-interest] SaxBuilder.build() skips internal doctype declaration

Buggle Dagmar ZFF TE-HP Dagmar.Buggle at zf.com
Thu Apr 15 08:08:17 PDT 2004

Hi to all,
I'm developing a client-server application where Client and server are
talking in XML but the communication format is String format. So I have to
transform Strings to XML documents. In order to get the most actual doctype
definition, I decided to put it as an internal doctype declaration in the
declaration subset.
Now I'm building my JDOM Document from this XML String containing the
doctype declaration in subset using 

SaxBuilder.build("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser", true).  (true is for
Validation on)

But I find the document just produced without any Doctype information in it!
Is this intentional because of standards that I do not know properly? Or are
there methods to convince SaxBuilder picking up my doctype? Otherwise I have
to build an ugly "balcony" to get around this problem.

The JDOM version I'm using is B10rc1 on WinXP. I've also updated Xerces to
the version which is bundled with b10.

		Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards/ sincères salutations
		Dagmar Buggle 
		TE-HP Software Prozesse 

		ZF Friedrichshafen AG 
		88038 Friedrichshafen, Deutschland/Germany 
		Telefon/Phone +49 7541 77-7992, Telefax/Fax +49 7541
		dagmar.buggle at zf.com 

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