[jdom-interest] Document in-memory validation

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Wed Jan 14 08:16:42 PST 2004

On 14/01/2004 16:44, Guido wrote:
> *From http://www.jdom.org/docs/faq.html#a0370:
> How can I perform in-memory validation against a DTD or Schema?
> Currently you can't do this, in JDOM or any other Java document object 
> model API. However, this is something we'd like JDOM to support, and we 
> have a volunteer who's working on it.
> MY QUESTION IS: **Is this enhancement really under development? What is 
> its status?

For validating against schemas, you can use the schema validator from 
jdom-contrib (org.jdom.contrib.schema.Schema). It performs validation by 
sending a SAX representation of the JDOM document to Sun's Multi-Schema Validator.

Nothing yet for DTDs.


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