[jdom-interest] SAXBuilder revealing SaxParserException - cause unknown

Jason Hunter jhunter at servlets.com
Thu Jan 22 20:50:40 PST 2004

Nothing jumps out at me.  It's a parser issue, not a JDOM issue.

I suggest you simplify your document until it starts working, then see 
what the last thing you removed was and figure out why that thing must 
have caused the problem.


Willie H Armstrong wrote:

> Greetings all,
>       While attempting to build a JDOM Document I am receiving a
> SAXParserException with a detailMessage stating "The string "--" is not
> permitted within comments." I have examined the input stream and can only
> find '--' in the comment tag start and stops, '<!--' and '-->'.  The
> exception reports a line and column location. When the location is examined
> in a programming editor, UltraEdit, the specified point looks the same in
> UTF, Unicode and ASCII encodings.  The area (formatted) on the input stream
> is as follows. The **** marks where the SAXParserException says the parsing
> failed.
> <script language="JavaScript">
> <!-- function adDigit(num) {
>                                           var sinDig = new String();
> if (num <= 9) {sinDig = "0" + num};
>                                           else {sinDig = num}
>       return sinDig;
>                                     }
>       var expdt = new String("2004-01-30T18:00:00");
>                                                 var effdt = new
> String("2004-01-22T13:07:04");
>                               var today = new Date();
>                                                                   var dtd =
> new Date****();
>                               var dt = new String();
>                                                                   dtd =
> (today.getMonth()+1);
>                               dtd = adDigit(dtd);
>                                                                   today =
> today.getYear()+"-"+(adDigit(today.getMonth()+1))+"-"+(adDigit(today.getDate()))+"T"+(adDigit(today.getHours()))+":"+(adDigit(today.getMinutes()))+":"+(adDigit(today.getSeconds()));
>             if (today <= expdt && today >= effdt) {
>                                                       document.write("<img
> src='/livelinksupport/xsl/newsstand/resources/images/bullet_text.gif'/> <a
> href='?func=ll&objId=2099235&objAction=viewnews'>Needham Weight Loss
> Program</a>")                                               }
>       if (expdt == "") {
>                                                 document.write("<img
> src='/livelinksupport/xsl/newsstand/resources/images/bullet_text.gif'/> <a
> href='?func=ll&objId=2099235&objAction=viewnews'>Needham Weight Loss
> Program</a>")                                               }
> --></script>
> I am using the Oracle JDeveloper 10g IDE.  I have replaced the Oracle V2
> parser with the Apache Xerces 2_6_0.  The parsing exception is thrown on
> line 370 of SAXBuilder. I have verified that both the parser and in objects
> are not null and are of the expected class.
>  369           // Parse the document.
>  370          parser.parse(in);
>  371
>  372           return contentHandler.getDocument();
> The build method is being called in this piece of my code, where isIn is an
> InputStream.
>             SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
>             builder.setValidation(false);
>             builder.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(false);
>             try {
>                  doc = builder.build(isIn);
>             } catch (JDOMException e) {
>                 throw new FailedTransformException(
>                     "Could not build internal JDOM document.");
>             }
> The input stream starts with this piece of XML.  The input stream is from a
> HttpsUrlConnection.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <html xmlns:msxsl="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"
> xmlns:mydt="urn:lldtfun">
> <head>
> Your guidance and assistance is requested and appreciated.  If more
> information is needed, please let me know.
> Thank you,
> Bill
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