[jdom-interest] Install on windows

Linus linus at webdevint.com
Fri Jan 23 17:58:51 PST 2004

Howdy! Just installed JDOM on a desktop (win2kpro) and I am in the habit of
quoting the path expressions and, I use the properties panel of My Computer
to set environment variables, especially for sysvars. I suppose I should get
used to doing what it says in the installation files; however, having voiced
my mea culpas, it seems that build.bat grabs all characters from the
environment variable string, including the quotes. A quick solution is to
comment the example in README.txt?:

taken from README.txt
start -----------------------

The only thing that you have to make sure of is that the "JAVA_HOME"
environment property is set to match the top level directory containing the
JVM you want to use. For example:

C:\> set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.2.2      <-- no quotes
  (or jdk1.3.1, etc.)


hope this helps!

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