[jdom-interest] Document properties

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Mon Jan 26 02:40:54 PST 2004


On 22/01/2004 17:31, phil at triloggroup.com wrote:
> One use case is with XPath & Namespace. Currently, when using Jaxen, we 
> have to pass it a context containing the mapping between aliases and 
> URI. And this can be cumbersome, if you have lot of code located into 
> different places. Microsoft solved this pb in InfoPath quite elegantly 
> and efficiently, by allowing user to set a Document property containing 
> the namespace mapping.

JDOM makes it even simpler than that : Just declare the namespace mapping 
using Element.addNamespaceDeclaration and it will be made available to Jaxen 
when in scope.


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