[jdom-interest] questions on using XPath.newInstance() and expr
Mikael Petterson (KI/EAB)
mikael.petterson at ericsson.com
Fri Jan 30 02:21:53 PST 2004
I downloaded jdom-9.
I looked at the example (jdom-b9/samples) called:
XPath servletPath = XPath.newInstance("//servlet");
To my questions:
Q1:Is it possible to only create one Instance of XPath and just use different expressions when navigating the xml document. That is:
//Global for the class that use it
public static XPath path;
//First time I create XPath
path = new XPath.newInstance("<myexpression1>");
//Next time I use it, in same class, I do:
List cars = path.selectNodes(doc,"<myexpression2>");
Q2: How can I add a java String variable to an XPath expression? Example:
String parent = "John";
String query = "//Foundation.Core.Class[Foundation.Core.ModelElement.name='"+parent+"']/Foundation.Core.Gene
How can I make sure that query is interpreted as:
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