[jdom-interest] Issue with Doctype (systemId , publicId whitespace)

Collin VanDyck collin at hannonhill.com
Mon May 10 10:10:31 PDT 2004

Per Norrman wrote:

> Collin VanDyck wrote:
>>> But the transformation works, doesn't it? I assume you transform the 
>>> JDOM document using JDOMSource, and in that case the error shouldn't
>>> have any effect on the actual tranformation.
>> The transformation does work, but for some reason further 
>> transformations strip out the doctype.  After reading your response 
>> (thanks by the way for the detail), I think the problem may lie 
>> elsewhere.
>> If this is the case, is there any way I can then suppress these 
>> errors that are coming out on STDERR?
> Nothing immediate that I can think of. The problem is that the parsing
> of the doctype fails, coupled with the fact that SAXOutputter does not
> assign an ErrorHandler to the XMLReader that parses the Doctype.
> Either patch the XMLOutputter source, or (temporarily) remove the
> DocType during transformation.
> (I'll submit a patch for SAXOutputter, but that doesn't help you while
> using JDOM-B8).

Thanks very much -- I'll try your suggestions.

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