[jdom-interest] Question about using Xpath whilst using jdom beta 10

Bush, Chris cbush at lehman.com
Wed Sep 1 01:35:43 PDT 2004


I am new to Jdom and have a question. I am trying use the following code to
extract out "legIds" from the attached xml. However, I seem to get the same
legId value twice, rather than the 2 distinct values I am expecting. Am I
doing something wrong ? The output I expect is 

 Leg = leg1  
 Legid = 00066786  
 Leg = leg2  
 Legid = 00066787

But I get this instead :

 Leg = leg1  
 Legid = 00066786  
 Leg = leg2  
 Legid = 00066786

Chris Bush

  private void test( org.jdom.Document doc ) throws Exception
      org.jdom.xpath.XPath path =
      org.jdom.xpath.XPath legpath =

      List elements = path.selectNodes(doc);

      for ( int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++ )
          org.jdom.Element e = (org.jdom.Element)elements.get(i);

          System.out.println(" Leg = " + e.getAttributeValue("legId") );

          System.out.println(" Legid = " + legpath.valueOf(e));

The xml is attached :


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