[jdom-interest] Error in parsing wsdl file using jdom

Phil Weighill-Smith phil.weighill-smith at volantis.com
Mon Aug 8 14:29:50 PDT 2005

As Paul alludes, XPath is not like XML in so far as it doesn't support a default namespace (other than "no namespace"). You must set a namespace prefix in the XPath and map that prefix to the namespace you want.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Paul Libbrecht [mailto:paul at activemath.org] 
	Sent: Mon 08/08/2005 14:33 
	To: Madhuraj S V 
	Cc: jdom-interest at jdom.org 
	Subject: Re: [jdom-interest] Error in parsing wsdl file using jdom

	Aren't you missing namespace prefixes in your XPath expression ?
	Le 8 août 05, à 14:56, Madhuraj S V a écrit :
	> Hi,
	> I am a newbie to JDom.
	> I am trying a parse a wsdl file  named CalculatorService to get the
	> value of the message attribute of input element which happens to be
	> the child of operation element.
	> i created a Xpath  instance for /definitions/portType/operation[@name
	> ="add"]
	> but when i say xpath.selectNodes()  it returns empty list even though
	> it has element with the given value
	> please find the code snippet i used
	> StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
	> sb.append("/definitions/portType/operation[@name = \"");
	> sb.append("add").append("\"]");
	> Document doc = builder.build(new File(" CalculatorService.wsdl"));
	> Namespace ns = Namespace.getNamespace("wsdl",
	> "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/");
	> XPath xp = XPath.newInstance(sb.toString ());
	> xp.addNamespace(ns);
	> List ele = xp.selectNodes(doc);
	> System.out.println(" the list is "+ele);
	> any help please in getting the correct values
	> Awaiting ur response
	> --
	> Regards
	> Madhu Raj
	> svmadhuraj at gmail.com _______________________________________________
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