[jdom-interest] Running on IBM WAS on AIX with 1.4.x

Ron van Ardenne ron.van.ardenne at j2r.nl
Tue Dec 20 01:01:13 PST 2005




First of all. Thank you for this great resource.


To have jdom handle prefixed attributes with the same prefix as their parent
element on IBM WAS on AIX with jvm 1.4.x I added the following code to the


org.jdom.input.DOMBuilder.buildTree(Node node,

                           Document doc,

                           Element current,

                           boolean atRoot) {



//add attributes



if ((attns == null || attns.equals(Namespace.NO_NAMESPACE)) &&

    (att.getNamespaceURI() != null &&
!att.getNamespaceURI().trim().equals(""))) {

    attns = Namespace.getNamespace(att.getNamespaceURI());




Kind regards, 

Met vriendelijke groeten,


Ron van Ardenne


www.batavia-xbrl.com <http://www.batavia-xbrl.com/>  



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