[jdom-interest] XPATH and namespace

Phil Weighill-Smith phil.weighill-smith at volantis.com
Fri Sep 2 23:35:18 PDT 2005

I assume you've actually registered the ilog namespace prefix, mapped to the correct URI, with the XPath instance you're using?

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Kevin L. Cobb [mailto:kevin.cobb at emergint.com] 
	Sent: Fri 9/2/2005 19:04 
	To: jdom-interest at jdom.org 
	Subject: [jdom-interest] XPATH and namespace
	Having trouble getting an XPATH expression with a namespace identifier to retreive the value in the XPATH. Example:
	<ruleDef  xmlns:ilog="http://www.myrules.com">
	   <ilog:conditions conditionId="condID_590" ruleId="rule_590">3</ilog:conditions>
	The XPATH expression "//ruleDef/ilog:conditions[1]/text()" does not return a result. I expect 3 to be the result. 



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