[jdom-interest] ClassCastException on Element.getContent

Martin Berg martin at emilldev.com
Sun Feb 12 04:51:05 PST 2006

It is possible that the production environment contains another version of
the jdom jar, I'll investigate that. The stack trace tells me nothing
about what type I actually have, strangely enough, just
java.lang.ClassCastException at [method/class/row] ...

> Jason Hunter wrote:
>>> where xhtmlElement is of type org.jdom.Element. This works nicely in
>>> the
>>> test environment, but in the production environment the second line
>>> (Contents contents = ...) causes a ClassCastException. Both
>>> environments
>>> run sun jdk 1.4. Under what circumstances could the returned list from
>>> getContents() contain anything that is not castable to Content?
> Any chance the production environment is a servlet container that
> contains a different version of jdom.jar?
> What type do you actually have? What does the stack trace tell you?
> --
> Elliotte Rusty Harold  elharo at metalab.unc.edu
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