[jdom-interest] Problems using JDOM with JDK1.5.0

Garey Mills gmills at library.berkeley.edu
Wed Jun 14 15:33:38 PDT 2006

Hi -

	I have a servlet using JDOM 1.0, running under Tomcat on Solaris
8. Java is from SDK and is 1.5.0. Tomcat is 5.5.9. It looks like I am
using the Xerces integrated in the JDK, since there is no jre/lib/endorsed
directory and I do not see the java.endorsed.dirs system property being
defined anywhere, except of course in the startup of Tomcat, where the
authors of Tomcat set 


	There the only thing that might affect things is a jdom.jar. In
any case, this is the error I keep getting:  

	Parse error: org.jdom.JDOMException: Error in building: SAX2 driver class
	org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser not found

	It looks like a problem with the Xerces it is finding. Can anyone
shed any light?

Thanks for any help;

Garey Mills
Library Systems Office
UC Berkeley

The brain is not where you think

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