[jdom-interest] Imcompatibility with GPL

Tatu Saloranta cowtowncoder at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 28 16:44:40 PDT 2006

--- Elliotte Harold <elharo at metalab.unc.edu> wrote:

> Tatu Saloranta wrote:
> > For what it's worth, Piccolo seems to be LGPL. JDK
> > already comes with Xerces (1.5, Crimson for 1.4)
> > So there are a few choices regarding actual XML
> > parser.
> XOM would be the most obvious LGPL replacement for
> JDOM. Porting to 
> straight SAX or StAX or even DOM would be a much
> harder road to travel, 
> though I'm not convinced it's actually necessary in
> this case.

Agreed -- I was merely responding to "beyond JDOM, are
there GPL-compatible low-level parsers" part, not
implying one should have to skip the tree model

-+ Tatu +-

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