[jdom-interest] Fwd: Replacing an element with another element

Mark Drew mark.drew at gmail.com
Mon Feb 26 00:15:58 PST 2007

Hi there
first time poster so go easy on me :)

I have a document, that I want to replace an Element with another  
Element (from a different document). I have tried a number of things  
but dont seem to be able to get it right.
(A little more background, I have a document tree, when you select an  
Element, you can see the whole Element's text in a text field that  
you can edit it. When you are done editing that Element, it creates a  
new document with just that Element, I now want to replace the  
original element with that text)

Any ideas?

Here is what I have so far...
StringBuffer StringBuffer1 = new StringBuffer(editedElementText);
							ByteArrayInputStream Bis1;
							try {
								Bis1 = new ByteArrayInputStream(StringBuffer1.toString 
								LineNumberSAXBuilder builder = new LineNumberSAXBuilder();
								Document document = builder.build(Bis1);
								Element content = (Element)document.getRootElement().clone();
								selNode.setElement(content); //the orignial node
								XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter();
								String modDocument = outputter.outputString(selNode.getElement 

but it doesnt seem to change the original document.

Many thanks in advance

Mark Drew

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