[jdom-interest] Obtaining a JDOM document from a Streamsource class

Jason Hunter jhunter at servlets.com
Fri Jul 13 09:59:01 PDT 2007

When you build from a stream, JDOM can't pull any supporting documents 
(there's no context to pull from), but it can when you build from a 
file.  This is probably the cause of your problem.


Clint.Redwood at xansa.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use JDOM to access a webservice, and am using
> ...
>             Dispatch<Source> dispatch = svc.createDispatch(
>                     portQName,
>                     Source.class,
>                     Service.Mode.PAYLOAD);
>              // Create the source
>             DOMSource input = new DOMSource((new DOMOutputter()).output(
> doc ));
>             Source output;
>             // Invoke the operation.
>             output = dispatch.invoke(input);
>             // retrieve JDOM document
>             if (
> output.getClass().getName().equals("javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource"
>  ) ) {
>                 doc = (new SAXBuilder()).build(
> ((StreamSource)output).getInputStream() );
>                 out.output( doc, new FileOutputStream(
> "C:\\TEMP\\wsResponse.xml" ) );
>             } else doc = null;
> ...
> where "doc" is the input document, and the desired output document.
> However, this seems not to work, as I get an exception: "
> org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 2: The prefix "SOAP-ENC"
> for attribute "SOAP-ENC:arrayType" associated with an element type "Result"
> is not bound."
> I've tried to read the result using SAXBuilder directly from a file, and
> that works fine, so I presume SAXBuilder doesn't like reading from the
> input source of a stream source. Can anyone suggest a better way of doing
> this?
> Yours,
> Clint Redwood
> Senior Analyst Programmer - Boots Account
> Xansa
> t 0115 9595730 (Ext) 725730 (Int)
> e clint.redwood at xansa.com
> e clint.redwood at bcm-ltd.co.uk
> http://www.xansa.com
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