AW: [jdom-interest] Problems with Mixed Content and XMLOutputter

Grimm, Markus Grimm at
Fri Jul 27 00:21:18 PDT 2007


Basically the reason is caused in my application.
I prepare a xml-document for a view in a JTextPane. The native xml of the <text>-Tag is load to this editor too.
Then, the text-content can be edited in an external XML-Editor (like XMLSpy or Epic) through an external call of such tool. The text-content is very complicated, a little bit more than the "Hello World" example. After editing in Epic f.e., the text-content is resaved in the TextPane. From there the whole content (text-data and meta-data) can be saved (compact-format!) to a xml-document.
During the save-action the xml is validated against a schema. So I can't use CDATA for the mixed-content-areas. It must be valid too.
With raw-format I adopted lots of empty text-nodes. Not really nice an inoperative in the saved xml. And with raw-format or mixed-content by xml:space preserve-Attribs I would have the same or similar problems.
The solution is compact-format with its advantages of whitespace-handling an trimming. Only in this described point I have that problem with this format.


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Jason Hunter [mailto:jhunter at] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 27. Juli 2007 03:37
An: Grimm, Markus
Cc: jdom-interest at
Betreff: Re: [jdom-interest] Problems with Mixed Content and XMLOutputter

> We handle with XML-Documents including elements with mixed-content.
> an easy example:
> =============
> ...
> <text>
>             <Content><P>Hello <B>World</B> how are you?</P></Content>
> </text>
> ...
> I have to use Compact-Format to output the document as string.

Why do you have to use the compact format?  Why not leave the whitespace 


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