[jdom-interest] RE: Need help
Normadiah Mahiddin
normadiah at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 00:13:18 PST 2007
Hi Syloke Soong,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I have tried the three example code that you gave
previously. However, it still could'nt work.
The new one that you gave, I haven't try yet since
I'm outside of my place now....
For your information, currently, the result that I got
was like below:
<Plans_Group ID="7">
<Plan ID="7.1" Name="Doctor Follow Up" />
<Plan ID="7.2" Name="Haemodialysis">
<Goal>Detect the stage of Kidney Disease</Goal>
<Plan ID="7.3" Name="Diet in Kidney Disease">
<Goal>Detect the stage of Kidney Disease</Goal>
<Goal>To give patient a life</Goal>
In fact, the real result that I should get should be like below:
<Plans_Group ID="7">
<Plan ID="7.1" Name="Doctor Follow Up" />*
* <Goal>Detect the stage of Kidney Disease</Goal>*
* </Plan>
<Plan ID="7.2" Name="Haemodialysis">*
* <Goal>To give patient a life</Goal>
<Plan ID="7.3" Name="Diet in Kidney Disease">
<Goal>To ensure the patient healthy life</Goal>
The red text showed the goal that didn't include.
Below was my code:
*public static void main(String args[])
String ID="",Name="",goal="";
Element Goal = new Element("Goal");
Element Plan = new Element("Plan");
//Read XML file and create XML document object
SAXBuilder saxobj = new SAXBuilder();
try {
//get Document sourceDoc XML file
Document sourceDoc = saxobj.build("PlanRepositoryV6.xml");
//Set up the XML document builder and parse the input XML file
Document document = null;
document = saxobj.build( new File( "TreatmentPlans.xml" ) );
// get the parent element in original xml file, that you want to
// add the new data element as child to
Element parentElemToAddChildrenTo = document.getRootElement();
//Get XML node that we want
XPath Plans_GroupPath = XPath.newInstance("//Plans_Group[@ID='6']" );
List Plans_GroupList = Plans_GroupPath.selectNodes(sourceDoc);
if ( Plans_GroupList == null ) {
System.out.println( "Sorry, no matching element." );
else {
for ( int k = 0; k < Plans_GroupList.size(); k++ )
* Retrieve the elements and its children
Element Plans_GroupElem = (Element)Plans_GroupList.get(k);
System.out.println(Plans_GroupElem +
String PGIDString = Plans_GroupElem.getAttributeValue("ID");
//Change PG ID from string to integer to add the PG ID value
int PGID = Integer.parseInt(PGIDString);
//Construct new data
int NewPGID = PGID + 1;
String NewPGIDString = Integer.toString(NewPGID);
Element PlansGroup = new Element("Plans_Group");
//Retrieve elements one level deep
Iterator itr = (Plans_GroupElem.getChildren()).iterator();
Element oneLevelDeep = (Element)itr.next();
//Element Plan = new Element("Plan");
ID = oneLevelDeep.getAttributeValue("ID");
float PID = Float.parseFloat(ID);
float NewPID = PID + 1;
String NewPIDString = Float.toString(NewPID);
Name = oneLevelDeep.getAttributeValue("Name");
PlansGroup.addContent((Element)Plan.clone()); //This work right
//Retrieve elements two level deep
Iterator itr1 = (oneLevelDeep.getChildren()).iterator();
Element twoLevelsDeepElem = (Element)itr1.next();
//Element Goal = new Element("Goal");
goal = twoLevelsDeepElem.getText();
** Plan.addContent((Element)Goal.clone()); //This work wrong
//Retrieve elements three level deep
Iterator itr2 = (twoLevelsDeepElem.getChildren()).iterator();
Element threeLevelsDeepElem = (Element)itr2.next();
System.out.println(threeLevelsDeepElem +
List fourLevelsDeep = threeLevelsDeepElem.getChildren();
//Retrieve elements four level deep
* Open new XML file and write the elements and its children on it
//output the XML document to output file -- which can be the
//original file you read from.
XMLOutputter outp = new XMLOutputter( Format.getPrettyFormat() );
try {
outp.output( document, new OutputStreamWriter(
new FileOutputStream( "TreatmentPlans.xml" ), "UTF-8" ) );
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
}//end for loop
}//end else
} catch(JDOMException je) {
} catch (IOException ie) {
}//end main*
To others, have any ideas?
Please help me... I really need help ......
On 3/20/07, Syloke Soong <ssoong at protedyne.com> wrote:
> BTW, despite last couple of weeks' debate about issuing a
> generics-friendly JDOM version, I am thinking we could also do it this
> way in Java1.5:
> public List <Element> cloneChildren(Element element)
> {
> List <Element>clonedElementList = new Vector();
> List <Element>origElementList = element.getChildren();
> for (Element ej: origElementList)
> clonedElementList.add((Element)ej.clone());
> return clonedElementList;
> }
> I have not tried but I'm going to. Can anyone tell me if the above
> should work? It compiled successfully, though. If I could do it this
> way, what is the fuss on issuing a generics-friendly JDOM version all
> about?
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