[jdom-interest] Resetting the Root Element

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Tue Nov 6 00:57:42 PST 2007


Sebastian Hinterwälder wrote:
> Now I want to set a different root element using JDOM. I already tried 
> it by cloning the whole document but this doesn't work. A different 
> solution for me would also be removing the namespaces from the root. I 
> am quite new to JDOM - so I hope someone knows a solution!

You have to create a new root element and detach content from the old root to 
add it to the new root :
     Element newRoot = new Element(...);

Unfortunately, there is no Element.removeAttributes() method. So you'll 
probably have to iterate on the old root's attribute list to detach each 
attribute (using Iterator.remove()) and add it to the new root.
Any better way, someone ?


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