[jdom-interest] How to build multiple XML documents by mergeing two XML documents using JDOM

Grzegorz Kaczor grzegorz.kaczor at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 12:36:47 PST 2007


I think you should clone the staticDocument before running each merge. Now
you have the same staticDocument stored multiple times in the
finalDocumentList so all the output files are identical.


2007/11/23, Jasmin_Mehta at nexweb.org <Jasmin_Mehta at nexweb.org>:
> I am building multiple dynamic xml documents from result set and storing
> them to an ArrayList called 'xmlDocumentList'.
> I have another static xml document called 'staticDocument'. Where static
> document looks like:
> <Transmission>
>       <TransmissionHeader>
>               <UserName />
>               <Password />
>         </TransmissionHeader>
>       <TransmissionBody>
>       <!----- here goes GLogXMLElement XML element ---->
>       </TransmissionBody>
>    </Transmission>
> Now I want to create another ArrayList 'finalDocumentList' out of mergeing
> 'staticDocument' with each element of 'xmlDocumentList'. That will be like
> each element of 'finalDocumentList' is made from merging 'staticDocument'
> with 'xmlDocumentList[i]' (one of dynamic document element) at
> <TransmissionBody>. When I do that with attached code snippet, it creates
> the GlogFinal0.xml, GlogFinal1, GlogFinal2..etc file with all having same
> content in them. It uses only first element of 'xmlDocumentList' to build
> all elements of 'finalDocumentList'.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>         ArrayList dynamicDocumentList = xmlBuilder.getDynamicXmlDocuments
> ();
>         Document staticDocument = xmlBuilder.getStaticXmlWrapper();
>         ArrayList finalDocumentList = new ArrayList();
>         Element staticRoot = staticDocument.getRootElement();
>         Element staticChild = staticRoot.getChild("TransmissionBody");
>         Element dynamicRoot = null;
>         for(int i = 0; i < dynamicDocumentList.size(); i++)
>         {
>             dynamicRoot =
> ((Document)dynamicDocumentList.get(i)).getRootElement();
>             staticChild.addContent(dynamicRoot.detach());
>            finalDocumentList.add(staticDocument);
>         }
>           FileOutputStream finalXmlFile = null;
>           XMLOutputter xmlOutPutter = null;
>           for (int i = 0; i < finalDocumentList.size(); i++)
>           {
>             finalXmlFile =  new
> FileOutputStream("F:\\JavaProjects\\WorkspaceDev\\OTM\\xsl\\GLogFinal"+i+".xml");
>             xmlOutPutter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
>             xmlOutPutter.output((Document)(finalDocumentList.get(i)),
> finalXmlFile);
>           }
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