[jdom-interest] [tagsoup-friends] How to parse XML document with default namespace with JDOM XPath

Jack Bush netbeansfan at yahoo.com.au
Tue Nov 4 14:32:45 PST 2008

Hi All,
I am having difficulty parsing using Saxon and TagSoup parser on a namespace html document. The relevant content of this document are as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional/ /EN" "http://www. w3.org/TR/ xhtml1/DTD/ xhtml1-transitio nal.dtd">
<html xmlns="http: //www.w3. org/1999/ xhtml">
<meta http-equiv=" Content-Type" content="text/ html; charset=UTF- 8" />
    <div id="container">
        <div id="content">
            <table class="sresults">
                        <a href="http:/ /www.abc. com/areas" title=" Hollywood , CA "> hollywood </a>
                        <a href="http:/ /www.abc. com/areas" title=" San Jose , CA "> san jose </a>
                        <a href="http:/ /www.abc. com/areas" title=" San Francisco , CA "> san francisco </a>
                        <a href="http:/ /www.abc. com/areas" title=" San Diego , CA "> San diego </a>
Below is the relevant code snippets illustrates how I have attempted to retrieve the contents (value of  <a>):
             import java.util.*;
             import org.jdom.*;
             import org.jdom.xpath. *;
             import org.saxpath. *;
             import org.ccil.cowan. tagsoup.Parser;
( 1 )       frInHtml = new FileReader(" C:\\Tmp\\ ABC.html" );
( 2 )       brInHtml = new BufferedReader( frInHtml) ;
( 3 ) //    SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(" org.apache. xerces.parsers. SAXParser" );
( 4 )       SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(" org.ccil. cowan.tagsoup. Parser");
( 5 )       org.jdom.Document jdomDocument = saxbuilder.build( brInHtml) ;
( 6 )       XPath xpath =  XPath.newInstance( "/ns:html/ ns:body/ns: div[@id=' container' ]/ns:div[ @id='content' ]/ns:table[ @class='sresults ']/ns:tr/ ns:td/ns: a");
( 7 )       xpath.addNamespace( "ns", "http://www. w3.org/1999/ xhtml");
( 8 )       java.util.List list = (java.util.List) (xpath.selectNodes( jdomDocument) );
( 9 )       Iterator iterator = list.iterator( );
( 10 )     while (iterator.hasNext( ))
( 11 )     {
( 12 )            Object object = iterator.next( );
( 13 ) //         if (object instanceof Element)
( 14 ) //               System.out.println( ((Element) object).getTextN ormalize( ));
( 15 )             if (object instanceof Content)
( 16 )                   System.out.println( ((Content) object).getValue ());
This program would work on the same document without the default namespace, hence, it would not be necessary to include “ns” prefix along in the XPath statements (line 6-7) either. Moreover, I was using “org..apache. xerces.parsers. SAXParser” to have successfully retrieve content of <a> from the same document without default namespace in the past.
I would like to achieve the following objectives if possible:
( i ) Exclude DTD and namespace in order to simplifying the parsing process. How this could be done?
( ii ) If this is not possible, how to include it in XPath statements (line 6-7) so that the value of <a> is picked up correctly?
( iii ) Would changing from “org.apache.xerces. parsers.SAXParse r” to “org.ccil.cowan. tagsoup.Parser” make any difference as far as using XPath is concerned?
( iv ) Failing to exlude DTD, how to change the lookup of a PUBLIC DTD to a local SYSTEM one and include a local DTD for reference?
I am running JDK 1.6..0_06, Netbeans 6.1, JDOM 1.1, Saxon6-5-5, Tagsoup 1.2 on Windows XP platform.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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