[jdom-interest] Parsing a MODS-document with validation fails

Bradley S. Huffman bshuffman at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 12:42:44 PDT 2011

I did a simple test and printed out what was being given to SAXHandler
by the parser.  Sure enough, on this document when validation is turn
on, the SAX parser is reporting two attributes with the same qname
(which happens to be the local name since they are both unprefix), but
in different namespaces.

JDOM should take the events as presented and build a object tree to
represent it.  It shouldn't "generate" anything.  However, in this
case I don't know who to point the finger at, but it's not JDOM.

Elliotte, are you still lurking around?

namespaceURI = http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3
localName = name
qName = name
 attribute local name = type
 attribute qname = type
 attribute uri =
 attribute type = CDATA
 attribute value = personal
 attribute local name = type
 attribute qname = type
 attribute uri = http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink
 attribute type = CDATA
 attribute value = simple
namespaceURI = http://www.loc.gov/mods/v3
localName = namePart
qName = namePart
 attribute local name = type
 attribute qname = type
 attribute uri =
 attribute type = CDATA
 attribute value = family

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