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<TITLE>RE: [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter</TITLE>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>basically i would like to be able to build an xml (string/document whatever) with jdom then store that string as an object and be able to write to a file.. insert into a database (especially this one) or send it to a servlet for processing (and this one :) im thinking maybe i can edit or make another XMLOutputter class.. then call that and return the string object instead.. i've already kinda done this anyway.. but i dont really want to rewrite the wheel... </FONT></P>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>or i guess i could save it to a temporary file....</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>-----Original Message-----</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>From: Elliotte Rusty Harold [<A HREF="mailto:elharo@metalab.unc.edu">mailto:elharo@metalab.unc.edu</A>]</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2000 4:41 PM</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>To: Eddy, Joel; jdom-interest@jdom.org</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>Subject: Re: [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>At 2:35 PM -0700 7/12/00, Eddy, Joel wrote:</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>hello again....</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>if i wanted to store the output from calling the XMLOutputter </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>constructor... how would i do so.. i've tried variations of casting </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>to an Object or giving a different OutputStream to the XMLOutputter </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>contructer.. but it only seesm to want to accept System.out.. any </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>ideas?</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>I suspect you're using some of the methods in JDOMb4 that expect a </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>PrintStream as an argument. Your problem will probably be fixed by </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>upgrading to the latest version in CVS. If not, then provide some </FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>more details and I'll try to hunt it down.</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE=2>+-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------+</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo@metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>+-----------------------+------------------------+-------------------+</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>| The XML Bible (IDG Books, 1999) |</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>| <A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/xml/books/bible/" TARGET="_blank">http://metalab.unc.edu/xml/books/bible/</A> |</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>| <A HREF="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0764532367/cafeaulaitA/" TARGET="_blank">http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0764532367/cafeaulaitA/</A> |</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>+----------------------------------+---------------------------------+</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>| Read Cafe au Lait for Java News: <A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/javafaq/" TARGET="_blank">http://metalab.unc.edu/javafaq/</A> |</FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=2>| Read Cafe con Leche for XML News: <A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/xml/" TARGET="_blank">http://metalab.unc.edu/xml/</A> |</FONT>
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