<p><tt>>>>Were you actually loading this thing over a real network? This sounds <br>
to me like you might have been testing on a local connection.<<<</tt><br>
<tt>It was for an Intranet project, with a local server.<br>
<tt>>>>The other obvious question is whether you were constructing a new <br>
document for each request. In many cases many parts of the document <br>
can be reused for serial requests with even less overhead than you'd <br>
see for an unverified factory.<<<</tt><br>
<tt>This is not applicable in our case, just because the document is dynamic and depend on each request. Thus, we cannot use a kind of cache, and the faster way we find to create document was to generate java code which is executed for each part of the document that need to be constructed. </tt><br>
<tt>And it currently performs very well.</tt><br>