<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; CHARSET=UTF-8">
Surely the right way to do this is to read the existing file into a JDOM document (and if the file doesn't exist just create the basic document structure), add your query nodes into the required location in the document then write the whole document back out?<BR>
Phil :n.<BR>
On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 08:47, Laurent Bihanic wrote:
<PRE><FONT COLOR="#737373"><I>Why not simply using
FileOutputStream queryout=new FileOutputStream(queryfile, true);
to open the file in append mode?
Be careful when concatenating several XML documents into a single file. The
result is not well-formed XML as a file can only contain one document. You
won't be able to parse the generated file.
awais hamid wrote:
> Hello friends i am deeloping a semantic cache of xml queries and xml
> documents
> Here is a glimpse of my code in which i am creating an xml document with
> following structure
> - <queries>
> <query>/books/book[price>300]/bookname</query>
> </queries>
> SAXBuilder saxobj=new SAXBuilder();
> Element rootofquery = new Element("queries");
> Element elementofquery = new Element("query");
> Document doc1ofquery = new Document();
> elementofquery.setText(query);
> rootofquery.addContent(elementofquery);
> doc1ofquery.addContent(rootofquery);
> In the code given below i will be saving xml o queries.xml file
> XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat());
> File queryfile=new File("queries.xml");
> FileOutputStream queryout=new FileOutputStream(queryfile);
> outputter.output(doc1ofquery, queryout);
> But every time when this script executes the previus data is overwritten
> which i dont want.
> What should be done? to append to existing data instead of replacing it.
> I would be thankful for ur replies
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-- <BR>
Phil Weighill-Smith <<A HREF="mailto:phil.weighill-smith@volantis.com"><U>phil.weighill-smith@volantis.com</U></A>><BR>
Volantis Systems