.hmmessage P
<body class='hmmessage'><FONT face="Arial, Geneva, Sans-serif">Hi,</FONT><BR>
<FONT face="Arial, Geneva, Sans-serif"> <BR>I'm using JDOM v1.1.<BR> <BR>Basically, I can use most of the function of the JDOM, but I found some stranges when I use Element.getChild().getText();<BR> <BR>I've an XML that contain some big5 characters (externally created XML file), both using XMLOutputter for outputting screen and XML file have no affection on the big5 codeset displays.<BR> <BR>However, when I tried to query each text one by one by using Element.getChild().getText(), the String returned always is shorter than the original in XMLfile, and the Big5 characters are displayed incorrectly.<BR> <BR>I tried to use the conversion.<BR> <BR>String s = new String(recElement.getChild("ThxRegTxt").getText().getBytes("UTF-8"),"big5");<BR> <BR>but seems it's not displaying correctly also.<BR> <BR>My default JVM charset is CP1252, but I don't think it's the reason for affecting this.<BR> <BR>What do you think the issue, can you offer some help? As if you can set charset for XMLOutputter, there should be something that can control the .getText() charset.<BR> <BR>Thanks.<BR> <BR>Regards,<BR>Jacques.</FONT><BR><BR><br /><hr />至醒搜尋和瀏覽網絡的免費工具列 — <a href='http://toolbar.live.com/' target='_new'>Windows Live 搜尋工具列</a></body>