
Package org.jdom.transform

Classes to help with transformations, based on the JAXP TrAX classes.


Class Summary
JDOMResult A holder for an XSL Transformation result, generally a list of nodes although it can be a JDOM Document also.
JDOMSource A holder for an XML Transformation source: a Document, Element, or list of nodes.
XSLTransformer A convenience class to handle simple transformations.

Exception Summary
XSLTransformException Thrown when an XSL stylesheet fails to compile or an XSL transform fails

Package org.jdom.transform Description

Classes to help with transformations, based on the JAXP TrAX classes. JDOMTransformer supports simple transformations with one line of code. Advanced features are available with the JDOMSource and JDOMResult classes that interface with TrAX.


Copyright © 2011 Jason Hunter, Brett McLaughlin. All Rights Reserved.