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Package org.jdom2.output

Classes to output JDOM documents to various destinations.

See: Description

Package org.jdom2.output Description

Classes to output JDOM documents to various destinations. The most common outputter class is XMLOutputter which outputs a document (or part of a document) as a stream of bytes. Format and EscapeStrategy support the XMLOutputter in letting you choose how the output should be formatted and how special characters should be escaped. SAXOutputter lets you output as a stream of SAX events (handy especially in transformations). JDOMLocator supports SAXOutputter and helps you observe the SAX output process. DOMOutputter lets you output a JDOM document as a DOM tree. StAXStreamOutputter lets you output the JDOM content to an XMLStreamWriter, and the StAXEventOutputter lets you output the JDOM content to an XMLEventWriter.
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