Uses of Class

Packages that use Element

Uses of Element in org.jdom

Constructors in org.jdom with parameters of type Element
Document.Document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
           This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element and the supplied DocType declaration.
Document.Document(Element rootElement)
           This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element, and no DocType declaration.
IllegalAddException.IllegalAddException(Document base, Element added, String reason)
           This will create an Exception indicating that the addition of the Element supplied as a child of the document is not allowed.
IllegalAddException.IllegalAddException(Element base, Attribute added, String reason)
           This will create an Exception indicating that the addition of the Attribute supplied to the Element supplied is illegal.
IllegalAddException.IllegalAddException(Element base, Comment added, String reason)
           This will create an Exception indicating that the addition of the Comment supplied as content to the supplied element is not allowed.
IllegalAddException.IllegalAddException(Element base, Element added, String reason)
           This will create an Exception indicating that the addition of the Element supplied as a child of the supplied parent is not allowed.
IllegalAddException.IllegalAddException(Element base, Entity added, String reason)
           This will create an Exception indicating that the addition of the Entity supplied as content to the supplied element is not allowed.
IllegalAddException.IllegalAddException(Element base, ProcessingInstruction added, String reason)
           This will create an Exception indicating that the addition of the ProcessingInstruction supplied as content to the supplied element is not allowed.
PartialList.PartialList(List backingList, Element parent)
           As a starting point, take in the List that is the backing behind this List.

Methods in org.jdom that return Element
           This will return the parent of this Attribute.
           This will return the parent of this Comment.
           This will return the root Element for this Document, or return null in the case the root element hasn't been yet set.
ElementElement.addAttribute(String name, String value)
           This adds an attribute to this element with the given name and value.
ElementElement.addAttribute(Attribute attribute)
           This adds an attribute to this element.
ElementElement.addContent(String text)
           This adds text content to this element.
ElementElement.addContent(CDATA cdata)
           This adds a CDATA section as content to this element.
ElementElement.addContent(Comment comment)
           This adds a comment as content to this element.
ElementElement.addContent(Element element)
           This adds element content to this element.
ElementElement.addContent(Entity entity)
           This adds entity content to this element.
ElementElement.addContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)
           This adds a processing instruction as content to this element.
ElementElement.getChild(String name, Namespace ns)
           This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace.
ElementElement.getChild(String name)
           This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to no namespace.
ElementElement.getCopy(String name, Namespace ns)
           This creates a copy of this Element, with the new name specified, and in the specified Namespace.
ElementElement.getCopy(String name)
           This creates a copy of this Element, with the new name specified, and in no namespace.
           This will return the parent of this Element.
ElementElement.setAttributes(List attributes)
           This sets all the attributes for this element to be those in the given List; all existing attributes are removed.
ElementElement.setChildren(List children)
           This sets the content of the element to be the List of Element objects within the supplied List.
ElementElement.setMixedContent(List mixedContent)
           This sets the content of the element.
ElementElement.setText(String text)
           This sets the content of the element to be the text given.
           This will return the parent of this Entity.
           This will return the parent of this ProcessingInstruction.

Methods in org.jdom with parameters of type Element
DocumentDocument.setRootElement(Element rootElement)
           This sets the root Element for the Document.
ElementElement.addContent(Element element)
           This adds element content to this element.
booleanElement.removeContent(Element element)
           This removes the specified Element.
EntityEntity.addChild(Element element)
           This will add an Element as a child of this Entity.

Uses of Element in org.jdom.input

Methods in org.jdom.input that return Element domElement)
           This will build a JDOM Element from an existing DOM Element

Uses of Element in org.jdom.output

Methods in org.jdom.output with parameters of type Element
org.w3c.dom.ElementDOMOutputter.output(Element element)
           This converts the JDOM Element parameter to a DOM Element, returning the DOM version.
voidXMLOutputter.output(Element element, OutputStream out)
           Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and its value, and all contained (child) elements etc.
voidXMLOutputter.output(Element element, Writer out)
           Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and its value, and all contained (child) elements etc.
voidXMLOutputter.outputElementContent(Element element, Writer out)
           This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes.
StringXMLOutputter.outputString(Element element)
          Return a string representing an element.