Uses of Class

Packages that use ProcessingInstruction

Uses of ProcessingInstruction in org.jdom

Constructors in org.jdom with parameters of type ProcessingInstruction
IllegalAddException.IllegalAddException(Document base, ProcessingInstruction added, String reason)
           This will create an Exception indicating that the addition of the ProcessingInstruction supplied as content to the supplied document is not allowed.
IllegalAddException.IllegalAddException(Element base, ProcessingInstruction added, String reason)
           This will create an Exception indicating that the addition of the ProcessingInstruction supplied as content to the supplied element is not allowed.

Methods in org.jdom that return ProcessingInstruction
ProcessingInstructionDocument.getProcessingInstruction(String target)
           This returns the first processing instruction for this Document located at the document level (outside the root element) for the supplied target, or null if no such processing instruction exists.
ProcessingInstructionProcessingInstruction.setData(String data)
           This will set the raw data for the PI.
ProcessingInstructionProcessingInstruction.setData(Map data)
           This will set the name/value pairs within the passed Map as the pairs for the data of this PI.
ProcessingInstructionProcessingInstruction.setValue(String name, String value)
           This will set the value for the specified name/value pair.

Methods in org.jdom with parameters of type ProcessingInstruction
DocumentDocument.addContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)
           Adds the specified PI to the document.
booleanDocument.removeContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)
           This removes the specified ProcessingInstruction.
ElementElement.addContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)
           This adds a processing instruction as content to this element.
booleanElement.removeContent(ProcessingInstruction pi)
           This removes the specified ProcessingInstruction.

Uses of ProcessingInstruction in org.jdom.output

Methods in org.jdom.output with parameters of type ProcessingInstruction
voidXMLOutputter.output(ProcessingInstruction pi, OutputStream out)
           Print out a ProcessingInstruction
voidXMLOutputter.output(ProcessingInstruction pi, Writer out)
           Print out a ProcessingInstruction