Class SAXHandler


class SAXHandler
extends DefaultHandler
implements LexicalHandler

Constructor Summary
SAXHandler(Document document)
           This will set the Document to use.

Method Summary
 voidcharacters(char[] ch, int start, int end)
           This will report character data (within an element).
 voidcomment(char[] ch, int start, int end)
           This reports that a comments is parsed.
           Report a CDATA section - ignored in SAXBuilder.
           This signifies that the reading of the DTD is complete.
 voidendElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String rawName)
           Indicates the end of an element (</[element name]>) is reached.
 voidendEntity(String name)
 voidendPrefixMapping(String prefix)
           This will add the prefix mapping to the JDOM Document object.
 voidprocessingInstruction(String target, String data)
           This will indicate that a processing instruction (other than the XML declaration) has been encountered.
           Report a CDATA section - ignored in SAXBuilder.
 voidstartDTD(String name, String publicId, String systemId)
           This will signify that a DTD is being parsed, and can be used to ensure that comments and other lexical structures in the DTD are not added to the JDOM Document object.
 voidstartElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts)
           This reports the occurrence of an actual element.
 voidstartEntity(String name)
 voidstartPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
           This will add the prefix mapping to the JDOM Document object.

Constructor Detail


public SAXHandler(Document document)

This will set the Document to use.

document - Document being parsed.
IOException - when errors occur.
Method Detail


public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int end)
throws SAXException

This will report character data (within an element).

ch - char[] character array with character data
start - int index in array where data starts.
end - int index in array where data ends.
SAXException - when things go wrong


public void comment(char[] ch, int start, int end)
throws SAXException

This reports that a comments is parsed. If not in the DTD, this comment is added to the current JDOM Element, or the Document itself if at that level.

ch - ch[] array of comment characters.
start - int index to start reading from.
end - int index to end reading at.


public void endCDATA()
throws SAXException

Report a CDATA section - ignored in SAXBuilder.


public void endDTD()
throws SAXException

This signifies that the reading of the DTD is complete.


public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String rawName)

Indicates the end of an element (</[element name]>) is reached. Note that the parser does not distinguish between empty elements and non-empty elements, so this will occur uniformly.

namespaceURI - String URI of namespace this element is associated with
localName - String name of element without prefix
rawName - String name of element in XML 1.0 form
SAXException - when things go wrong


public void endEntity(String name)
throws SAXException


public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix)
throws SAXException

This will add the prefix mapping to the JDOM Document object.

prefix - String namespace prefix.
uri - String namespace URI.


public void processingInstruction(String target, String data)
throws SAXException

This will indicate that a processing instruction (other than the XML declaration) has been encountered.

target - String target of PI
data - StringThrows:
SAXException - when things go wrong


public void startCDATA()
throws SAXException

Report a CDATA section - ignored in SAXBuilder.


public void startDTD(String name, String publicId, String systemId)
throws SAXException

This will signify that a DTD is being parsed, and can be used to ensure that comments and other lexical structures in the DTD are not added to the JDOM Document object.

name - String name of element listed in DTD
publicId - String public ID of DTD
systemId - String syste ID of DTD


public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts)
throws SAXException

This reports the occurrence of an actual element. It will include the element's attributes, with the exception of XML vocabulary specific attributes, such as xmlns:[namespace prefix] and xsi:schemaLocation.

namespaceURI - String namespace URI this element is associated with, or an empty String
localName - String name of element (with no namespace prefix, if one is present)
qName - String XML 1.0 version of element name: [namespace prefix]:[localName]
atts - Attributes list for this element
SAXException - when things go wrong


public void startEntity(String name)
throws SAXException


public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri)
throws SAXException

This will add the prefix mapping to the JDOM Document object.

prefix - String namespace prefix.
uri - String namespace URI.

Association Links

to Class org.jdom.Document

Document object being built

to Class java.util.Stack

Element stack

to Class java.util.LinkedList

Temporary holder for namespaces that have been declared with startPrefixMapping, but are not yet available on the element

to Class java.util.LinkedList

The namespaces in scope and actually attached to an element