Class Diagram jdom

Class Summary
AttributeAttribute defines behavior for an XML attribute, modeled in Java.
CDATA CDATA defines behavior for an XML CDATA section, modeled in Java.
Comment Comment defines behavior for an XML comment, modeled in Java.
DataConversionExceptionDataConversionException is thrown when a requested XML value is requested to be converted, and conversion fails.
DocTypeDocType represents an XML DOCTYPE declaration.
Document Document defines behavior for an XML Document, modeled in Java.
ElementElement defines behavior for an XML element, modeled in Java.
EntityEntity Defines an XML entity in Java.
IllegalAddExceptionIllegalAddException is thrown when an Element or Attribute is added to a JDOM construct illegally..
IllegalDataExceptionIllegalDataException is thrown when illegal text is supplied to a JDOM construct.
IllegalNameExceptionIllegalNameException is thrown when a name is supplied in construction, etc., of a JDOM construct, and that name breaks XML naming conventions.
IllegalTargetExceptionIllegalTargetException is thrown when a target is supplied in construction, etc., of a JDOM ProcessingInstruction, and that name breaks XML naming conventions.
JDOMExceptionJDOMException This Exception subclass is the top level Exception that JDOM classes can throw.
NamespaceNamespace defines both a factory for creating XML namespaces, and a namespace itself.
PartialListPartialList defines a List that contains only part of a larger List, yet is still completely backed by that List.
ProcessingInstruction ProcessingInstruction defines behavior for an XML processing instruction, modeled in Java.
Verifier Verifier handles XML checks on names, data, and other verification tasks for JDOM.