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The most common question we get in email here is "Where do I start?" Our answer is often "Wherever you want," but as that doesn't always help much, some general guidelines are provided here.

No matter how you choose to participate, we recommend you join some of the mailing lists.

Users, Musers, Guerilla Testers, and Bug Hunters
You are the core of our existence; without users and curious developers, we have no idea if we are meeting the needs of the public. Join in, give us your feedback, and let us know what's working for you (and what's not!).

Developers, Geeks, Nerds, Gurus
The few, the elite, the sleep-deprived. Once you've seen how JDOMTM works, found some things you don't like, and want to change the world (or at least this little corner of it), follow these steps to dive in deeper: