[jdom-interest] A simple question...

Laurent Bihanic lbihanic at atos-group.com
Wed Oct 4 03:10:34 PDT 2000


SAXBuilder has several build() methods.  One of them has an
org.xml.sax.InputSource argument.  Thus, the java compiler needs to resolve
this class when compiling your code, even if you do not use this build()

You need to get a compiled version of the SAX API in order to be able to
compile any code using the SAXBuilder.

Drop me a mail if you want me to send you a SAX2 jar.


Sean Shanny wrote:
> To all,
> Should I be able to do the following: (I want to read from a socket I have
> opened and send that directly to the builder)
> I am getting the following compilation error:
> "CommerceServerStatus.java": Error #: 314 : cannot access class
> org.xml.sax.InputSource; neither class nor source found for
> org.xml.sax.InputSource at line 123, column 28
> try {
>     _csConnection = new Socket(mCommerceServerName, sCommerceServerPort);
>     _outBoundRequest = new PrintWriter(_csConnection.getOutputStream(), true);
>     _inboundData = new BufferedReader( new
> InputStreamReader(_csConnection.getInputStream()));
>     } catch (UnknownHostException unknowHostException) {
>       System.err.println("Don't now about host: " + mCommerceServerName);
>     } catch (IOException ioException) {
>       System.err.println("Couldn't get I/O for the connection to :" +
> mCommerceServerName);
>     }
>     _outBoundRequest.println(sStatusRequest);
>     // Build the JDOM Document
>     Document doc = builder.build(_inboundData);
> Thanks.
> --sean
> --
> Sean Shanny
> Principal Software Engineer
> eZiba.com
> phone: 413-664-9999 ext. 146
> fax: 413-664-9990
> e-mail: sshanny at eziba.com
> Shop http://www.eZiba.com where every object tells a story.

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