[jdom-interest] memory consumption - JDOM vs. DOM

Guo, Quanzhong QGuo at Emptoris.com
Thu Sep 7 09:57:56 PDT 2000

Hi I am new on JDOM, I have a question regarding JDOM memory consumptiom. I
wrote 2 JAVA applications on NT, one uses Xerces/DOM, one uses JDOM through
Xerces/SAX, they both do virtually the same thing: load a large XML file
into memory. I got the following results. Looks like JDOM consistently uses
more memory than Xerces/DOM does. Could anyone give me some idea what was



With 64M memory for the JAVA VM:

XMl File size		Xerces/DOM			JDOM
7.3M			Succeed			Succeed
8.0M			Succeed			OutOfMemory Exception
9.2M			Succeed			OutOfMemory Exception
9.8M			OutOfMemory Exception		OutOfMemory

With 128M memory for the JAVA VM:

XML File size		Xerces/DOM			JDOM
15.3M			Succeed			Succeed
16.6M			Succeed			OutOfMemory Exception

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