September 2000 Archives by subject
Starting: Fri Sep 1 00:42:02 PST 2000
Ending: Sat Sep 30 22:53:20 PST 2000
Messages: 484
- [Fwd: [jdom-interest] Entities with inner structure (proposed fix)]
Jason Hunter
- [Fwd: [jdom-interest] Entity IDs]
Jason Hunter
- [Fwd: [jdom-interest] xmlns attributes]
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Kennet Svanberg
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] 1.0 Release Date
Jason Peck
- [jdom-interest] 1.0 Release Date
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] [BUG]
Wolfgang Werner
- [jdom-interest] [BUG]
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] [Fwd: bug in]
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] A plea for the orphans
Amy Lewis
- [jdom-interest] A plea for the orphans
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] A plea for the orphans
Amy Lewis
- [jdom-interest] A plea for the orphans
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] A plea for the orphans
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] A plea for the orphans
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Rodney Sonderegger
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Accessing Child Elements
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] accessing Element.getChildren() elements with
a ListIterator
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] accessing Element.getChildren() elements with a
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Adding attribute with a Prefix
Blanton, Mike
- [jdom-interest] Adding attribute with a Prefix
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] API instability?
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] API instability?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] API instability?
Galluzzo, Eric
- [jdom-interest] API instability?
Galluzzo, Eric
- [jdom-interest] API instability?
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] Application Using JSP + XML + EJB using JDOM
Harish Kumar
- [jdom-interest] Application Using JSP + XML + EJB using JDOM
Guy Nirpaz
- [jdom-interest] Attribute names and namespaces in JDOM
alan.quinton at
- [jdom-interest] BeanMapper
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] BeanMapper
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] BeanMapper
Michael Engelhart
- [jdom-interest] BeanMapper
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] BeanMapper
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] BeanMapper
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] BeanMapper
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Beta 5: SaxBuilder constructor crashes Hunter &
McLaughlin's code
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Beta 5: SaxBuilder constructor crashes Hunter & McLaughlin's code
Michael F. Baker
- [jdom-interest] Beta5 candidate
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Beta5 candidate
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Beta5 candidate
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Beta5 candidate
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Beta5 candidate
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Beta5 candidate
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Beta5 candidate
Michael Engelhart
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Joseph Bowbeer
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Louis Calisi
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Joseph Bowbeer
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Louis Calisi
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] beta5 comments
Perry Hoekstra
- [jdom-interest] Beta5 preview
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Bug fix in SAXBuilder and DOMBuilder
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] bug in Element() ?
Vamshi Reddy
- [jdom-interest] bug in Element() ?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] bug in getText() ??
Bhavesh Chheda
- [jdom-interest] Build problem
tsasala at
- [jdom-interest] Build problem + getText bug ?
Christophe D. Laprun
- [jdom-interest] Build problem + getText bug ?
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] Build problem + getText bug ?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] builders not preserving namespace attributes
in xsl files
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] builders not preserving namespace attributes
in xsl files
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] builders not preserving namespace attributes in xsl
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] builders not preserving namespace attributes in xsl
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] builders not preserving namespace attributes in xsl
Ed Morehouse
- [jdom-interest] builders not preserving namespace attributes in xsl
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] builders not preserving namespace attributes in xsl
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] builders not preserving namespace attributes in xsl files
Ed Morehouse
- [jdom-interest] Bypassing Fetching DTD on JDom
Maaziar Sadr
- [jdom-interest] Bypassing Fetching DTD on JDom
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] Bypassing Fetching DTD on JDom
Maaziar Sadr
- [jdom-interest] Bypassing Fetching DTD on JDom
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] CDATA support
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Changes
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Changes
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] Changes to SAXBuilder and XMLOutputter
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Cameron Smith
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Cameron Smith
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Trebor A. Rude
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Patrick Dowler
- [jdom-interest] children as List
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Rosen, Alex
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Murray Altheim
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Patrick Dowler
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Simon Harris
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] children as List
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] closing clause
Wendy Liew
- [jdom-interest] closing clause
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest]
Oliver Dill
- [jdom-interest] Convert XML data to Java ojbects
Guy Nirpaz
- [jdom-interest] Convert XML data to Java ojbects
Guy Nirpaz
- [jdom-interest] Convert XML data to Java ojbects
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Convert XML data to Java ojbects
Guy Nirpaz
- [jdom-interest] copy subtree
Carlos Piqueres Ayela
- [jdom-interest] copy subtree
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] copy subtree
tsasala at
- [jdom-interest] cvs is down
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] CVS Repository source snapshots
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] CVS Repository source snapshots
Jools Enticknap
- [jdom-interest] Default XMLOutputter behavior
Clark, Stacie
- [jdom-interest] Document and RMI
David M. Lang
- [jdom-interest] Document and RMI
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Document.getSerializedForm()
Philipp Zuderell
- [jdom-interest] Document.getSerializedForm()
Guy Nirpaz
- [jdom-interest] Document.getSerializedForm()
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] DOMBuilder update
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] DOMOutputter API change
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] DOMOutputter changes
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] DTD file and multiple namespaces
Ligade, Shailesh
- [jdom-interest] DTD file and validation
Ligade, Shailesh
- [jdom-interest] DTD im XML-File and Element.getContent()
Marcus Breig
- [jdom-interest] DTD im XML-File and Element.getContent()
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] DTD im XML-File and Element.getContent()
Marcus Breig
- [jdom-interest] DTD im XML-File and Element.getContent()
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] element's getSerializableForm() status.
Omen Red
- [jdom-interest] Element.getChildren() doesn't work ??
Omen Red
- [jdom-interest] Element.getChildren() doesn't work ??
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Element.getChildren() doesn't work ??
Omen Red
- [jdom-interest] Element.getDocument() ?
- [jdom-interest] Element.getText() bug
Jason Peck
- [jdom-interest] Element.getText() bug
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Element.getText() bug
Kem Morehead
- [jdom-interest] Errata
Harish Kumar
- [jdom-interest] Errata
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Error launching SAXBuilder
- [jdom-interest] Error while executing sample
Abhinav Tyagi
- [jdom-interest] Error while executing sample
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Exception: getRawName(I)Ljava/lang/String; not found
Cash Foley
- [jdom-interest] Exception: getRawName(I)Ljava/lang/String; not found
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Finding the DTD
Muhle, Daniel
- [jdom-interest] Finding the DTD
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] fixing line endings
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] Fw: Problem on XML-RPC Configuration File
Harish Kumar
- [jdom-interest] getAttributeValue() removing escaped char
Michael Engelhart
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Simon Harris
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Will Glozer
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Simon Harris
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Amy Lewis
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Andre Van Delft
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
tsasala at
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Omen Red
- [jdom-interest] getChildren() vs getElements()
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] getDocument() patch
- [jdom-interest] getDocument() patch
Ernst de Haan
- [jdom-interest] getDocument() patch
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getDocument() patch
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getText and NullPointerException
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] getText with an empty element
Kem Morehead
- [jdom-interest] getText with an empty element
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Getting schema validation working without
enabling Xerces namespace support. How?
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Getting schema validation working without ena
bling Xerces namespace support. How?
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Getting schema validation working without enabling
Xerces namespace support. How?
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Getting schema validation working without enabling
Xerces namespace support. How?
Christophe D. Laprun
- [jdom-interest] Getting schema validation working without enabling
Xerces namespace support. How?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Getting schema validation working without enabling Xerces namespace support. How?
Travers Waker
- [jdom-interest] Getting schema validation working without enabling Xerces namespace support. How?
Travers Waker
- [jdom-interest] Getting schema validation working withoutenabling
Xerces namespace support. How?
Christophe D. Laprun
- [jdom-interest] help wanted
Abhinav Tyagi
- [jdom-interest] How to "crash" JDOM, part 1
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] How to [easily] deal with optional children?
Jehoiada Bernard
- [jdom-interest] How to [easily] deal with optional children?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] how to do DTD validation of newly created XML document ?
sgandon at
- [jdom-interest] How to get org.w3c.dom.Element to something which
can be outputed by XMLOutputter
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] How to get org.w3c.dom.Element to something which can be outputed by XMLOutputter
Yusuf Goolamabbas
- [jdom-interest] I just pulled down the latest source via WINC
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] I just pulled down the latest source via WINC
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] I just pulled down the latest source via WINCVS
Sean Shanny
- [jdom-interest] I just pulled down the latest source via WINCVS
Sean Shanny
- [jdom-interest] I just pulled down the latest source via WINCVS
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] I just pulled down the latest source via WINCVS
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] I just pulled down the latest source via WINCVS
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] I'm 13 hrs behind
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
veerpal singh
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
Murray Altheim
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
Anthony Baker
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
Galluzzo, Eric
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
Murray Altheim
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
- [jdom-interest] ID and IDREF
veerpal singh
- [jdom-interest] ID/IDREF
Carey Boldenow
- [jdom-interest] ID/IDREF
- [jdom-interest] ID/IDREF
Murray Altheim
- [jdom-interest] ID/IDREF
- [jdom-interest] ID/IDREF
Murray Altheim
- [jdom-interest] ID/IDREF
Murray Altheim
- [jdom-interest] Incrementally output XML to a file
Aspi Siganporia
- [jdom-interest] Incrementally output XML to a file
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] insertChild in Element
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] insertChild in Element
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] insertChild in Element
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] insertChild in Element
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] insertChild in Element
Trebor A. Rude
- [jdom-interest] insertChild in Element
Trebor A. Rude
- [jdom-interest] insertChild in Element
Beau Bisquette
- [jdom-interest] insertChild in Element
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Interesting MS whitespace discussion
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Interesting problem
Blanton, Mike
- [jdom-interest] Interesting problem
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] is this an appropriate use of JDOM?
Chris Todd
- [jdom-interest] Iterator.remove() is calling a non-overloaded
method to remove children from an element.
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Iterator.remove() is calling a non-overloaded
method to remove children from an element.
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Iterator.remove() is calling a non-overloaded method to remove children from an element.
Travers Waker
- [jdom-interest] Iterator.remove() is calling a non-overloadedmethod
to remove children from an element.
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Jar Creation Problem: NoClassDefFoundError
Eddy Boxerman
- [jdom-interest] JavaDoc build with JDK 1.1.8 generates lots o
f messages
Galluzzo, Eric
- [jdom-interest] JavaDoc build with JDK 1.1.8 generates lots of messages
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] JavaDoc build with JDK 1.1.8 generates lots of messages
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] Javadocs
Stacie Clark
- [jdom-interest] Javadocs
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Javadocs
Stacie Clark
- [jdom-interest] Javadocs
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Javadocs
Clark, Stacie
- [jdom-interest] Javadocs
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Gerardo Horvilleur
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Gerardo Horvilleur
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Gerardo Horvilleur
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
donaldp at
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Gerardo Horvilleur
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Gerardo Horvilleur
- [jdom-interest] JDOM as a Database API?
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] jdom document
Martin Sandahl
- [jdom-interest] jdom document
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] jdom document
Scott Ware
- [jdom-interest] jdom document
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] jdom document
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] jdom memory usage
Art M Solano
- [jdom-interest] jdom/openxml
Corbett.Klempay at
- [jdom-interest] jdom/openxml
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] license compatibility question
Chris Todd
- [jdom-interest] license compatibility question
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Mailing List for JDOM
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] memory consumption - JDOM vs. DOM
Guo, Quanzhong
- [jdom-interest] memory consumption - JDOM vs. DOM
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] META: Children of a lesser spec
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] META: Children of a lesser spec
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] META: Children of a lesser spec
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] META: Children of a lesser spec
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] META: Children of a lesser spec
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] META: Children of a lesser spec
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] META: Children of a lesser spec
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] META: Children of a lesser spec
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] minor issue with Comment
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] minor issue with Comment
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Modified XMLOutputter which optionally omits white
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Modified XMLOutputter which optionally omits white
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Modified XMLOutputter which optionally omits white space
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] Modified XMLOutputter which optionally omits white space
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] more on namespaces && CDATA (and xpath, oh my!)
- [jdom-interest] more on namespaces && CDATA (and xpath, oh my!)
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Multiple copies
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Multiple copies
- [jdom-interest] Namespace declarations
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Namespace declarations
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Namespace declarations
- [jdom-interest] Namespace declarations
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] No access to namespaces?
alan.quinton at
- [jdom-interest] no method: Element.setName(String). Why?
Travers Waker
- [jdom-interest] No namespaces for attributes without prefix
Galluzzo, Eric
- [jdom-interest] No namespaces for attributes without prefix
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] No namespaces for attributes without prefix
Galluzzo, Eric
- [jdom-interest] No namespaces for attributes without prefix
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] NoSuchElementException
Kem Morehead
- [jdom-interest] NoSuchElementException
Jools Enticknap
- [jdom-interest] NoSuchElementException
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Obtaining an Eelement via attribute ID through JDOM?
Liam P. Walker
- [jdom-interest] Off Topic - XSL (Xalan) question
Van Dooren, Damian
- [jdom-interest] Off Topic - XSL (Xalan) question
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Off Topic - XSL (Xalan) question
Van Dooren, Damian
- [jdom-interest] org.w3c.dom.* not used in jdom
Wendy Liew
- [jdom-interest] org.w3c.dom.* not used in jdom
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] OT: XPath test-suite
- [jdom-interest] OT: XPath test-suite
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] OT: XPath test-suite
- [jdom-interest] Patch to build.xml
Galluzzo, Eric
- [jdom-interest] Patch to build.xml
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] PATCH: XMLOutputter refactoring/opening
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] Possible bug in Element getText()?
Blanton, Mike
- [jdom-interest] problem building jdom for JDK11
Wendy Liew
- [jdom-interest] problem building jdom for JDK11
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Problem of replacing Builder to DOMBuilder
Harish Kumar
- [jdom-interest] Problem on XML-RPC Configuration File
Harish Kumar
- [jdom-interest] Problem on XML-RPC Configuration File
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Problem on XML-RPC Configuration File
Harish Kumar
- [jdom-interest] Problem on XML-RPC Configuration File
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Problem with DTD
Steven Smith
- [jdom-interest] Problem with getChild()
Jorge Acebo
- [jdom-interest] Problem with getChild()
Galluzzo, Eric
- [jdom-interest] Problem with mixed content
Vyacheslav Pedak
- [jdom-interest] Problem with mixed content
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Problem with mixed content
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Problem with mixed content
Vyacheslav Pedak
- [jdom-interest] Problem with mixed content
Vyacheslav Pedak
- [jdom-interest] Problem with mixed content
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] question (help)
Michael Engelhart
- [jdom-interest] question (help)
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] question (help)
Michael Engelhart
- [jdom-interest] questions about org.jdom.ProcessingInstruction
Ed Morehouse
- [jdom-interest] questions about org.jdom.ProcessingInstruction
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] questions about org.jdom.ProcessingInstruction
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Re:
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: accessing Element.getChildren() elements with a ListIterator
Ed Morehouse
- [jdom-interest] Re: Build problem + getText bug ?
Christophe D. Laprun
- [jdom-interest] Re: cvs is down
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] RE: Element.getText()
Jason Peck
- [jdom-interest] Re: Fast or Safe?
Gerardo Horvilleur
- [jdom-interest] Re: Fast or Safe?
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Re: Fast or Safe?
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] Re: Fast or Safe?
Kevin Hunt
- [jdom-interest] Re: Fast or Safe?
Simon Harris
- [jdom-interest] Re: Fast or Safe?
Simon Harris
- [jdom-interest] Re: Fast or Safe?
Simon Harris
- [jdom-interest] Re: Fast or Safe?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: Finding the DTD
Aidan Killian
- [jdom-interest] Re: Finding the DTD
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Re: Finding the DTD
Aidan Killian
- [jdom-interest] Re: fixing line endings
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] Re: fixing line endings
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: Interfaces?
Joseph Bowbeer
- [jdom-interest] Re: Interfaces?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: Interfaces? (was: W3 DOM support)
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] Re: jdom-interest digest, Vol 1 #194 - 17 msgs
David W. Smiley
- [jdom-interest] Re: jdom-interest digest, Vol 1 #206 - 24 msgs
Joseph Bowbeer
- [jdom-interest] Re: jdom-interest digest, Vol 1 #206 - 24 msgs
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: Mailing List for JDOM
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] RE: no method: Element.setName(String)
Vamshi Reddy
- [jdom-interest] Re: Off Topic - XSL (Xalan) question
Aidan Killian
- [jdom-interest] RE: RTFMing didn't work for me
David Geller
- [jdom-interest] Re: static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Re: static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Re: static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] Re: static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: static data needs to be thread data for m
ultithreaded applications
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] Re: static data needs to be thread data for multithreaded applications
Joseph Bowbeer
- [jdom-interest] Re: Validation Against Schemas
Jose_Sanchez at
- [jdom-interest] Relative URI namespaces
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] RTFMing didn't work for me
David Geller
- [jdom-interest] RTFMing didn't work for me
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Behavior
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] SAXOutputter
Fred_Trimble at
- [jdom-interest] SAXOutputter
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] SAXOutputter
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] serialVersionUID
Jeremiah Jahn
- [jdom-interest] serialVersionUID
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] serialVersionUID
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] serialVersionUID
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] serialVersionUID
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] serialVersionUID
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] serialVersionUID/Re: [jdom-interest] ID and IDRE
F /[jdom-interest] Validation using schemas, how?
Johan Dahlström
- [jdom-interest] Servlet sample
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Servlet sample
Stratton, Jason
- [jdom-interest] Source snapshots
Jools Enticknap
- [jdom-interest] Source snapshots
Scott Ellsworth
- [jdom-interest] Stability of JDOM
Louis Calisi
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
Jools Enticknap
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for
multithreaded applications
Jools Enticknap
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for mul
tithreaded applications
Nick Reeves
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for multithreaded applications
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for multithreaded applications
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for multithreaded applications
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for mult
ithreaded applications
Nick Reeves
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread data for multithreaded application
Nick Reeves
- [jdom-interest] static data needs to be thread safe for multithreaded application
Nick Reeves
- [jdom-interest] Support for JDK11
Wendy Liew
- [jdom-interest] Support for JDK11
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] Support for JDK11
Jools Enticknap
- [jdom-interest] Support for JDK11
Peter V. Gadjokov
- [jdom-interest] Support for JDK11
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] The list is back under control
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] type safety: List<Element>
Joseph Bowbeer
- [jdom-interest] Validation using schemas, how?
Travers Waker
- [jdom-interest] Validation using schemas, how?
Christophe D. Laprun
- [jdom-interest] Validation using schemas, how?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Validation using schemas, how?
Christophe D. Laprun
- [jdom-interest] Validation using schemas, how?
Scott Ellsworth
- [jdom-interest] Why not interfaces?
Paul Philion
- [jdom-interest] Why not interfaces?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Why not interfaces?
Paul Philion
- [jdom-interest] Why not interfaces?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Why not interfaces?
Paul Philion
- [jdom-interest] Why not interfaces?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Will "obj1.equals(obj2)==true " (Java-XML-Java)
Harish Kumar
- [jdom-interest] xml namespaces
Stacie Clark
- [jdom-interest] xml namespaces
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] xml namespaces
Stacie Clark
- [jdom-interest] xml namespaces
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang and compilation problems
Kjetil Larsen
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang and compilation problems
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Perry Hoekstra
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Lorenzo Gonzalez
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Perry Hoekstra
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Perry Hoekstra
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] xml:lang Attribute problem
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter - setExpandEmptyElements(true) not
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter - setExpandEmptyElements(true) not functioning
kendrick at
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter and empty elements
Nick Crossley
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter and empty elements
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter and empty elements
Nick Crossley
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter and InputSource ??
Rubin, Dan
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter documentation doesn't match the
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter documentation doesn't match the
philip.nelson at
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter documentation doesn't match the code.
Brad Morgan
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter documentation doesn't match the code.
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter error escaping this:
Brett McLaughlin
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter error escaping this: element.addContent("");
Beau Bisquette
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter in nonewline mode
James Manning
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter naming questions
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter naming questions
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter naming questions
Joseph Bowbeer
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter naming questions
Alex Chaffee
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter naming questions
Omen Red
- [jdom-interest] XPath snapshot
Last message date:
Sat Sep 30 22:53:20 PST 2000
Archived on: Fri Aug 6 17:09:40 PST 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).