[jdom-interest] getChild with Attribute

Kenworthy, Edward edward.kenworthy at exchange.co.uk
Tue Apr 3 02:13:58 PDT 2001

Actually that wouldn't work. It wouldn't find any nested elements with the
attribute. You would need to use recursion to do that.

Here's a method I use (it uses the "name" attribute AND element type
(getName()) to work out whether it's a matching element.)

  private Collection internalGetAllInstances(Element searchRoot, Element
element, Collection listOfMatches)

// check if there are multiple instances of the element
    Attribute elementNameAtt = element.getAttribute(NAME_ATT);
    if (elementNameAtt != null)
      String elementName = elementNameAtt.getValue();
      if (elementName.length() != 0)
	List children = searchRoot.getChildren();
	if (children.size() > 0)
	  Iterator iter = children.iterator();
	    Element current = (Element)iter.next();
	    if (current.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(element.getName()))
	      Attribute nameAtt = current.getAttribute(NAME_ATT);
	      if (nameAtt != null)
		String name = nameAtt.getValue();
		if (name.length() != 0)
		  if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(elementName))
		    logger.debug("Everything matches, add it to the list.");
		    logger.debug("Types match, but name doesn't, so check
its children.");
		    internalGetAllInstances(current, element,
	      logger.debug("Types don't match, can't be the same, so check
its children.");
	      internalGetAllInstances(current, element, listOfMatches);
	  } // while
	logger.debug("No name attribute set, can't have other instances");
      logger.debug("No name attribute at all, can't have other instances");
    return listOfMatches;

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Writz [mailto:dave.writz at cornerstone.net]
Sent: 03 April 2001 04:23
To: jdom-interest at jdom.org
Subject: [jdom-interest] getChild with Attribute

Is it possible to get a child of an element based on a attribute value
without using XPath?  I have been able to get it working with XPath, but am
hoping for a cleaner implementation.

What I am looking for is something like the following:

String  value   = document.getRootElement().root.getChild("ElementName", new
Attribute("name", "value")).getText();

This of course would return the first child element that matched the name
and contained the attribute.

Ideally this could be extended to support a multiple attribute list.



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