[jdom-interest] XSD->XML

Warner Onstine warner at warneronstine.com
Thu Apr 12 08:26:35 PDT 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yoichi Takayama" <yoichi at webmcq.com>
To: <jdom-interest at jdom.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 11:47 PM
Subject: [jdom-interest] XSD->XML

> Dear Warner,

Hi Yoichi, as you'll find out I'm not the only one on the list, and
certainly not the most experienced one ;-).

> I am still very new to XML.

Same here ;-).

> I would like to be able to dynamically add/delete XML element from my JDOM
> tree.  Of course, this has to be done under the constraints imposed by the
> schema file.
> I would like to be able to represent the current structure and values held
> by an XML JDOM in a GUI and to see what elements/attributes I can add or
> delete, and I want the XML Element/Attribute objects to do the field type
> check and value range check automatically for me and so on.

These are the same requirements I am looking for.

> Can we implement <sequence> <complexType> <restriction> <enumeration> etc.
> Java Classes and extends JDOM Element class to achieve this???  So, it is
> sort of XML/XSD JDOM, in which each element knows its options/restrictions
> set in the underlying XSD file.  Elements yet to be created in the XML
> must have some places to stay in the tree in this case, or they should be
> read from the schema file as they are needed.

This sounds similar to data-binding, but I'm not sure. Have you looked at
Castor (castor.exolab.org), or the jdom binding one (for the life of me I
can't find it). This is actually the direction that I am starting to head

> I could have the schema JDOM tree as a shadow tree (template of the XML
> tree?) for the "front" XML tree (instance of the schema?) to do the check
> on the fly.  In that case, there is no need to extend the JDOM Element
> classes, but then how should we implement the interaction between the
> two?  Is there a good programming or object model for this?

I can't think of one, but I'm not that familiar with patterns, anyone?

> I tried IBM's facility to auto-generate Java Classes representing XML from
> DTD or Schema, but it has no value constraints built into these
> classes.  Also, at present, the facility is all hard-coded in terms of the
> DOM tree by using these "IBMXMLElement" Classes, and there is no transfer
> of information about what class(es) can be added/deleted.  The last two
> points can be done by writing up my own code to use these IBMXMLElement
> classes, but the point here is how to automate such a task.

This is definitely data-binding, Castor has the source-generator function
that want to check out, is there something similar for jdom?


> Any good idea?
> Regards,
> Yoichi
> Warner R. Onstine mailto:warner at warneronstine.com
> Thu, 22 Mar 2001 13:30:08 -0800
> ·       Previous message: ·     FW: [jdom-interest] Newbie: Schema
> validation of a document being built via JDOM
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> I would love to see something like this for both DTD and Schema. If not an
> integrated part it would be nice to see something in jdom/contrib for
> -warner
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Kevin Baynes" <kbaynes at renex.com>
> To: "Jdom-Interest" <jdom-interest at jdom.org>
> Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 8:05 AM
> Subject: FW: [jdom-interest] Newbie: Schema validation of a document being
> built via JDOM
>  > I'm just forwarding this to the group.
>  >
>  > -----Original Message-----
>  > From: Carsten Karkola [mailto:karkola at rcs.urz.tu-dresden.de]
>  > Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 2:31 AM
>  > To: Kevin Baynes
>  > Subject: RE: [jdom-interest] Newbie: Schema validation of a document
>  > being built via JDOM
>  >
>  >
>  > Maybe it could also be interesting to get all possible childs of an
>  > node using the schema information (like psgml in emacs it does with
>  > a dtd).
>  > My scenario would be:
>  > I can ask an List element.getValidContent() and i can compare the
>  > type/name of the element/attribute, which I try to insert in my
>  > document against the result of the above method.
>  > I think this is also helpfull in a GUI. I can fill a popupmenu with the
>  > reuslts build on the schema information and can avoid the insertion
>  > of wrong elements.
>  > In an second part I have to validate the document to find out missing
>  > elements/attributes via Document.validate().
>  >
>  > regards, carsten
>  >
>  > ==================================================
>  > ==
>  > ==    Dipl.-Ing. Carsten Karkola
>  > ==
>  > ==    TU Dresden - Dez.4; SG 4.2
>  > ==
>  > ==      Tel.:  +49 351 463 7817
>  > ==       Fax:  +49 351 463 7179
>  > ==    e-mail:  karkola at rcs.urz.tu-dresden.de
>  > ==
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