[jdom-interest] Speed!? JDOM vs DOM

Rolf Kluge rolf at smb-tec.com
Tue Mar 6 09:14:59 PST 2001

On Die, 06 Mär 2001, you wrote:
> I've found that once the classes are loaded into the VM it then takes next
> to no time to load another file...
> I've had a 15K file parsed and converted to a Document in 30
> milliseconds...I couldn't believe it so I put it into a loop and re-loaded
> it a couple of hundred times...

Unbelievable!! Would you please publish your code??

> I am using the default Crimson parser (JDOM 6), it's smaller and seemingly
> faster than the xerces parser.
> Actually does anyone have any figures on size of XML file as opposed to
> conversion to Document time?
> G.

Rolf Kluge                                     mailto:rolf at smb-tec.com
SMB GmbH                                        http://www.smb-tec.com

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