[jdom-interest] JDOM JSR

Alex Rosen arosen at silverstream.com
Wed May 16 11:29:50 PDT 2001

> This seems inappropriate to use as a product promotion.
> I would hope that the intent behind the JSR is that of
> defining a structure for
> working with XML documents in Java, and that once the expert
> group is formed they'll
> take a more active role than simply annointing JDOM as that
> structure - in other
> words, they'll look at the technologies available and select
> the best features for
> the standard.
> Do any of the JSR initial expert group members care to comment?

Two problems with this idea, one political, one practical:

- The title of JSR-102 is "JDOM 1.0", and its spec lead is Jason.
- JDOM has a 9 month headstart on DOM4J (comparing the dates of the initial
public releases). A JSR based on DOM4J would have to be released substantially
later than one based on JDOM.


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