[jdom-interest] Full Infoset support?

Elliotte Rusty Harold elharo at metalab.unc.edu
Wed Sep 5 17:01:13 PDT 2001

>... and the added API complexity. These would probably not be used by most

The complexity here is linear with the functionality. People who did not need unparsed entities could just ignore the relevant methods, for example. This is not another way to do something that can be done now. These would be methods to enable programmers to do things with JDOM they can't do now. 

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | elharo at metalab.unc.edu | Writer/Programmer |
|          The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)           |
|              http://www.ibiblio.org/xml/books/bible2/              |
|   http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=0764547607/cafeaulaitA/   |
|  Read Cafe au Lait for Java News:  http://www.cafeaulait.org/      | 
|  Read Cafe con Leche for XML News: http://www.ibiblio.org/xml/     |

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